Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Racism Is Still With Us Essay - 1389 Words

Rosa Parks once said â€Å"Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and hopefully, we shall overcome.† Racism is a struggle that, to this day, has continued to be a major issue. The color of someone’s skin alters how a person is perceived by society as a whole. Race is a social construct created by humans to categorize the world. (Sullivan 2) The outlook on racism varies from community to community, family to family, and even person to person. Skin color can alter all aspects of an individual’s life, because unlike inner differences and beliefs, skin color is a physical appearance. Social status, perceptions, roles, occupation are just a few of the characteristics of life which can be affected simply by a person’s physical differences. Not long ago somebody could even be discriminated against and their basic rights and freedoms could be altered based on their appearance. Many people believe that the Un ited States is a colorblind nation or is tolerant of people s race. Racism may go unnoticed by those who believe that it is a thing of the past, but to the people who are directly impacted by racism, it continues to be play a major role in today’s society. This is not a place in history where this is more apparent than the treatment of African Americans. It may have started with the debaucheries of slavery, but unfortunately it did not end with Emancipation of the African American race. American Press poll says white peopleShow MoreRelatedRacism Is Still With Us1360 Words   |  6 PagesSalman Alotaibi Sangita Victor Ap Nov 18, 2015 Racism â€Å"Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they will meet, and hopefully, we shall overcome.† (Rosa Parks). The author is a white man, in middle age and living in Mansfield, Texas, in 1959. The story takes place in the Deep South of the 1950s. He wants to see the reality of life as a black person. He decided to change his skin color from white to black by using a medical treatment. He got the support from hisRead MoreRacism Is Still With Us3110 Words   |  13 Pagesâ€Å"Racism is still with us. However, it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome. - Rosa Parks Black people are more likely to face inequity. Discrimination and racism are manifested in the facets of everyday life for many Black people, i.e. healthcare, employment, and education; Black people have limited resources (National Research Council, 2004) a more recent reference will be better. Parents have developed protective mechanisms toRead MoreTaking a Look at Racism887 Words   |  4 Pagespaper is on racism. In my paper I will be talking about who experience racism and why they experience such a thing. Also I will be talking about the fact why people are racists. I will also be talking about the percentage of American who are racists. Racism in today’s society is primarily based upon the struggles and conflicts of our past. Our ancestors past. We automatically assume that when we hear stories about events that happened in the history of our people affect us and hurt us. We are meantRead MoreEssay on Racism in America Today1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe lega cy of past racism directed at blacks in the United States is more like a bacillus that we have failed to destroy, a live germ that not only continues to make some of us ill but retains the capacity to generate new strains of a disease for which we have no certain cure. - Stanford Historian George Frederickson. The population of the United States of America has been one of mixed race since its very beginning. 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This film conveys and communicates a strong social issue of how racism often is more powerful than logic and reasoning due to fear. This film shows you how racism was a major issue especially in those times. This issue is still around today. Everyday you hear more and more news about racism. I believeRead MorePhilosophy And Justice: What Is A Just Society.. Introduction1122 Words   |  5 Pagesstated that racism is still with us but it is up to us to educate our children for what is to come and then shall we move forward. There are those who believe that these words no longer hold value. That is farthest from the truth. Unfortunately racism is indeed still real in this world. You see, racism is not something that appeared out of thin air. In fact, racism began dating back to the early years of slavery. Thank God slavery no longer exists. Yet racism still does. Racism still plays a majorRead MoreRace, Racism, Or Ethnicity1559 Words   |  7 Pagesconnotations. Associated with ethnicity or racism, it created a lifelong debate about whether or not races are socially constructed. The aim of this essay will be firstly to establish clear definitions of words such as race, racism, or ethnicity, and secondly to explain the evolution of racism, from scientific racism to colour blind racism through the work of ideologists such as Gobineau and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva. In order to provide a clear understanding of racism and its evolution throughout theRead MoreRacism, It s A Learning Process Essay1454 Words   |  6 Pagesit s a Learning Process â€Å"Racism is still with us but it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet and hopefully we shall overcome.† Said Rosa parks QTD from brainy quotes. The world is filled with racism and hate and it will continue to be this way if we let the children see the world this way. Children are the most impressionable and if we teach them to not be racist as they grow up racism will eventually end once and for all. In my eyes, racism is one of the largest knownRead MoreRacism Is Still Very Much Alive1573 Words   |  7 PagesPuckerine World History 2 Today, racism still remains a prevalent issue that has constantly reared its ugly head. While bringing awareness towards racism has improved, we are still being faced with a gruesome reality that racism is still very much alive. Instead of Jim Crow laws and slavery, racism has transformed itself into microaggressions, police brutality, racial profiling, and mass incarceration of people of color (especially black men). When one talks about racism, most of our opinions are based

Monday, December 16, 2019

Multivariate Technique Business Research Unit 5 Everest University Bethany Battistone Free Essays

Multivariate Technique Business Research Unit 5 Everest University Bethany Battistone June 23, 2012 In this assignment, I have been asked to identify which multivariate technique I would use to analyze each of below mentioned situations. A. Employee job satisfaction (high, normal, low) and employee success (0-2 promotions, 3-5 promotions, 5+ promotions) are to be studied in three different departments of a company. We will write a custom essay sample on Multivariate Technique Business Research Unit 5 Everest University Bethany Battistone or any similar topic only for you Order Now For this particular study, I would utilize the tabular presentation a â€Å"tables are generally superior to text for presenting statistics, although they should be accompanied by comments directing the reader’s attention to important figures. † (Cooper Schindler Pg. 586) Tables are typically a detailed summarization of important facts the researcher is trying to get across to the reader and intended audience of the study. A table should contain only information which is pertinent to the reader and should omit any unnecessary information. B. Consumers making a brand choice decision between three brands of coffee are influenced by their own income levels and the extent of advertising of the brands. For this particular study, I would utilize a bar chart as it â€Å"compares different entities on the same variable or component of a variable. † (Cooper Schindler Pg. 589) I would use a separate bar chart for each income classification for allow the reader to visualize the favored coffee brand for that given income classification. C. Consumer choice of color in fabrics is largely dependent on ethnicity, income levels, and the temperature of the geographic area. There is detailed area wide demographic data on income levels, ethnicity, and population, as well as the weather bureau’s historical data on temperature. How would you identify geographic areas for selling dark-colored fabric? You have sample data for 200 randomly selected consumers: their fabric color choice, income, ethnicity, and the average temperature of the area where they live. For this particular study, I would utilize the tabular presentation as this is a much more detailed presentation while summarizing the necessary information for the reader forms the same conclusion as the researcher. The title of the table will include the table subject, classification of the data, and other critical information to properly identify the data represented within the table. The actual data is included in the body of the table; footnotes are used as needed to explain any additional information not important enough to include within the table but that is needed in order for the reader to reach the same conclusion as the researcher. References Business Research Models, 11th Edition, Donald R. Cooper Pamela S. Schindler, Chapter 20 Presenting Insights and Findings: Written-Reports, Pgs. 586-589 How to cite Multivariate Technique Business Research Unit 5 Everest University Bethany Battistone, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Of Mice and Men More a Mouse Than a Man Essay Example For Students

Of Mice and Men: More a Mouse Than a Man Essay If an author does not have at least one great popular success, he or she may well be ignored by the media, but if he or she is constantly popular, then the critics become suspicious of the writers serious intentions (Benson Introduction). What do critics from the literary world have to say about Steinbecks writings? Critics have much to say, both positive and negative. What link exists between Steinbeck and his writings? Perhaps the most noteworthy biographical link between Steinbeck and his writings is that he was born and came to maturity in the Salinas Valley. In this area of California, bounded on the north and south by the Pajaro and Jolon valleys on the west and east by the Pacific Ocean and the Gabilan Mountains, Steinbeck found the materials for his fiction (Tedlock 3). John Steinbecks agricultural upbringing in the California area vibrantly shines through in the settings and story lines of the majority of his works. John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902. His fathers family, originally called Grossteinbeck, had come from Wuppertal, about twenty miles east of the German city of DÃ ¼sseldorf. During summers he worked as a hired hand on nearby ranches, nourishing his impression of the California countryside and its people (Lisca 32). He made occasional exciting trips to San Francisco with his family and more frequent trips to the Monterey peninsula (Fontenrose 2). In 1918, he became ill with pneumonia and almost died, but he was able to recover. After graduating from Salinas High School in 1919, Steinbeck enrolled at Stanford University, taking courses in English and Marine Science (Bloom 11). He was always an excellent student, eager to learn both in and out of school, interested in books, music, science, religion, and sports (Fontenrose 3). During this time, he worked as a sales clerk, farm laborer, ranch hand, and factory worker, and left Stanford permanently in the fall of 1925 without a degree (Fontenrose 3). In New York City, his brother-in-law found him a job pushing wheelbarrows for the construction of the original Madison Square Garden while continuing his pursuit as a writer (Lisca 32). After giving free-lance writing a try, he returned to California in 1926 (Fontenrose 3). For the next three years, periods of temporary employment alternated with periods devoted entirely to writing; and he moved from place to place, to San Francisco, Monterey, Salinas, Lake Tahoe, writing novels and stories that no publisher would buy (Fontenrose 4). On January 14, 1930, Steinbeck married his first wife, Carol Henning (Fontenrose 4). As a gift, his father gave him a house in Pacific Grove, California. Later that year, Steinbeck met Edward Ricketts, owner and operator of a small commercial biological laboratory on the waterfront of Monterey. Steinbecks association with Ricketts stimulated the best period of his career (Fontenrose 4). Steinbecks second marriage began on March 29, 1943, when he married Gwyndolen Conger. Soon after, he became a war correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune. In 1944, his first son, Tom, was born. His second son, John IV, followed two years later. In December of 1948, Steinbeck was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. On December 28, 1950, Steinbeck married his third wife, Elaine Anderson Scott. On October 25, 1962, Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. On September 14, 1964, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His support of the Vietnam War in his final years came as a shock to some (Bloom 14). Throughout his life, John Steinbeck remained a private person who shunned publicity (Bloom 15). In 1968 he suffered several heart attacks while summering in Sag Harbor. He died on December 20, 1968 of arteriosclerosis in New York City. His ashes were placed in the Garden of Memories Cemetery in Salinas (Bloom 15). John Steinbeck has published eight volumes of fiction, each as different from the others as all are different from the writings of most novelists. Hiii EssayEarly in the story the prospect of their ever realizing their dream seems remote, but as the plot unfolds (they meet a crippled bunkhouse worker who wants to go in with them on the scheme, and who offers offer to chip in his life savings), the probability of fulfillment rises. If the three pool their salaries at the end of the current month, they can quit and move into their farm. Lennie manages to avoid disaster for exactly three days. He gets involved with the flirtatious wife of Curley, the boss violent son. Through a series of unfortunate events, he becomes frightened and inadvertently kills the girl. Curley organizes a group to apprehend Lennie. George gets to Lennie first and out of sympathy for his companion, shoots him in the head to spare him the pain of Curleys shotgun or the misery of incarceration. Lennies killing of mice and later his killing of the puppy sets up a pattern that the reader expects to be followed. Georges story about Lennie and the little girl with the red dress, which he tells twice, adds to this expectancy, as do the shooting of Candys dog, the crushing of Curleys hand, and the frequent appearances of Curleys wife. All these incidents predict the fate of the dream of a safe place. The plan is doomed virtually from the beginning not only because human fellowship cannot survive, but also because the image of the farm, as conceived by George, Lennie, and Candy, is overly idealized. The probability being that life, even if they obtained the farm, would not be as they envision. The fruits and vegetables in abundance, the livestock and domestic animals, and the community of people involved are unreasonable expectations. The greater part of the novels appeal, George and Lennies relationship, although far from what one could call a reciprocal friendship, intrigues the reader in the same way many comic duos intrigue. It is easy to identify with the smart guy who helplessly tries to cope with and control his irrational, dumb and, yet, spontaneous, child-like partner as they lurch from one self-inflicted crisis to another. Steinbeck uses that classic comic routine so that the reader warmly identifies and recognizes the relationship. Steinbecks narrator establishes and characterizes Georges lording of power and control over Lennie early in the first chapter: Georges hand remained outstretched imperiously. Slowly, like a terrier who doesnt want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again. George snapped his fingers sharply, and at the sound Lennie laid the mouse in his hand (9). Unlike the typical Disney ending, Steinbeck delivers a harsh, but anticipated conclusion. However, Steinbeck is not trying to imply that hope is futile. Although hope does not prevail at the end of this novel, throughout the body, it plays a critical factor. Hope improved the quality of life for George and Lennie, and it gave them a goal to strive for. Without hope, Of Mice and Men would have lacked depth. One can not help but feel pity for Lennie, because of the dreams that lay in the ruins of his actions. Throughout reading this book, one is constantly bombarded with feelings of hope. In this story hope is an aspect bureid inside every event and played a heavy role in the lives of the characters. Steinbeck employed a symplistic writing style in order for his works to be understood by the everyday person. His vocabulary and sentence structures are effective, yet straightforward. The dialogue he chose to use aided in captivating the readers attention and interest. The parallels that exist between Steinbecks works and his upbringing are undeniable. Of Mice and Men is a typical Steinbeck novel in terms of simplicity, story line, and setting. Steinbeck transplants the knowledge he gained and the images he conceived of California in his writings.